Markets, flavors and history of Thessaloniki…

Markets, flavors and history of Thessaloniki…

Thessaloniki was always a multicultural, multiethnic and multilingual city with a lot of customs, religions, and recipes. For centuries, mainly Jews, Christians, Muslims, but also people from the Balkan peninsula and Europeans from nearly every corner of the continent...
The Byzantine past of Thessaloniki…

The Byzantine past of Thessaloniki…

What do you know about the Byzantine Empire? Did you know that Thessaloniki was part of the Byzantine Empire for 1.100 years and became its second most important city? Can you imagine how many secrets are hidden in these 1.100 years? Who were the Byzantines? How was...
Merry Christmas with a traditional Greek meal!

Merry Christmas with a traditional Greek meal!

Is there a better way to say goodbye 2019? What are the Greek Christmas customs? What do Greeks eat at Christmas and why? What are your Christmas customs? We explore the gastronomic wealth of Greece through an interactive cooking class along with a distinguished chef....
A visit at the Teloglion Foundation of Art A.U.Th.

A visit at the Teloglion Foundation of Art A.U.Th.

What do you know about the Greek Contemporary art? Have you ever played educational games inside a museum while learning history and a different part of art? Today we visited Teloglion Foundation of Art A.U.Th, we admired the work of Alexis Akrithakis, we talked about...
An industrial walk in Thessaloniki!

An industrial walk in Thessaloniki!

What do you know about the industrial heritage of Thessaloniki? Have you ever visited the west side of the city? What are all these impressive buildings that look abandoned? What stories do they have to tell us? A walk in a less known but equally important area of...